Editorial Design

Clumber Consultancy - Vivid Vision
Clumber Consultancy offerings practical guidance, outsourcing and expertise encompassing Employee Rights Act, Pension Services and Cyber Security.
Darren at Clumber Consultancy asked me to help them with a number of editorial projects, including their company vivid vision document.

The Access Group - Guide To VAT On Expenses
The Access Group is one of the leading providers of business management software to small and mid-sized organisations in the UK, Ireland, and Asia Pacific. They help over 100,000 customers across commercial and not-for-profit sectors become more productive and efficient.
I worked with Karl at Access to create a printed guide and interactive layout for their guide to VAT campaign. They wanted it to feel like an infographic in the way the copy and graphics are played out. I had lots of fun creating the visual for this guide.

Chevin - Fleetwave Guide
Chevin are the leading global provider of dedicated fleet management software, with solutions for organisations of every shape and size… anywhere in the world!
Working with Michelle at Chevin I created this about for a digital PDF factsheet for their Fleetwave Smarter Fleet Management product.

Pressac - Product Brochure
Pressac design and manufacture smart-building sensor technology. Helping millions of businesses and consumers worldwide to connect their buildings and equipment to the network, enabling them to talk to applications, automatically and in real time.
I helped Emmeline and Magdalena at Pressac to layout and produce this product brochure to be used at events and for product sales. I helped create a clean and clear sub brand style to be used across all collateral.

Experian - Business Information Guide
Experian work to turn data into something meaningful. Gathering, analysing, combining and processing data to help people and organisations achieve their goals – whether that means planning for a secure future or getting to know your customers better.
I have worked with Experian for many years over lots of amazing projects and below was part of a huge campaign I helped them with. The below brochure was a client facing document to help promote their business information offering. I also created an interactive employee handbook of approximately 300 pages that helped new starters familiarise themselves with this side of the business.